Rainbow Spotting: London on the Street


A fun surprise leading to a sunshine yellow door! So sweet, even amidst the scaffolding. This buttery door and vibrant stairs down to it was the first thing I saw on my walk around my last trip to London. I was groggy to say the least after 30 hours of travel, and spying this delightful rainbow was the jolt of colourful inspiration I needed to get my head straight again.

I always look forward to dispelling the myth that London is grey and miserable — and this most recent trip was no exception. Although it was certainly rainy (and at times, plenty grey) there are always rainbows and bright pops of colour tucked just around the corner. I managed to get myself stuck in a downpour, running through the streets to try and find my bus, and was thoroughly saturated by the time I made it onto the double-decker. My sogginess was rewarded though, spying the most vivid rainbow I’ve ever seen from the bus window.  

Megan McKean

Colour obsessed author, illustrator, designer and travel writer


Rainbow Spotting: Seven Magic Mountains, Las Vegas


Rainbow Spotting: The Neon Boneyard, Las Vegas