Modernism Week: Palm Springs Door Tour


All the colours of the rainbow - and then some - can be found on the most fun tour offered during Modernism Week. For the past few years, Palm Springs Style has been offering a colourful, very Instagram friendly tour of Palms Springs and the much loved candy-coloured doors that welcome the visitors! Teaming up with Bike Palm Springs for bike rentals, and The Saguaro hotel as the kick-off point, participants are given an illustrated map of the Twin Palms and Indian Canyons area to hit all the highlights!

The doors on the tour change each year, usually in partnership with Dunn Edwards paints to give the homeowners doors a fresh facelift in time for Modernism Week. The Palm Springs Door Tour is a fun way to take in some of the home fronts that you might not be welcomed to do so ordinarily. If you don’t want to hire a bike, you can just as easily drive to the different doors locations on the map to admire the houses — the hardest part is choosing your favourite colour door from the day!


Tickets to the Palm Springs Door Tour are available during Modernism Week (usually running on the Sunday of Modernism Week annually). Visit to see all the available events and time slots.

Megan McKean

Colour obsessed author, illustrator, designer and travel writer

Modernism Week: Vista Las Palmas Neighbourhood Tour


Modernism Week: Premier Double Decker Architecture Bus Tour